Thursday, September 6, 2007

God's Mysterious Ways

There are mysteries when it comes to God. Have you found that to be true like I have? I'm so thankful we can know Him and be in relationship with Him, but there will always be things that we don't quite get. That's what makes Him God, right? Maybe if we understood everything we wouldn't appreciate His greatness like we should.

One thing that has always been a mystery to me is why some people "get it" and others don't. Two people can hear the same exact message- one may be moved and changed by it while the other remains totally unaffected. What is it that flips a switch in our hearts- and our brains- when we understand the Gospel for the first time, see our sin for what it is, and commit our lives to the Lord?

I think it's the Holy Spirit that flips that switch, but how does He decide who and when and how?

Prayers must have something to do with it, don't you think? I don't fully understand how God acts and moves in response to prayer, but I know that He does. So if this is true, then we should be praying feverishly for the people we know who don't know the Lord. If prayer can affect their lives, then let's pray!

John 16:13 says, "But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth".

Seeking Truth,