Befor I had a child, I just knew I'd never have a picky eater. Right from the start, I thought to myself, I will only give him healthy foods, so he'll be raised to like them and gobble them up. Sounds logical, right? Wrong! Though I have made a habit of giving my child healthy options to eat- plenty of veggies and fruits, a balance of protein and carbs, etc, etc, Keaton seems to have a mind of his own when it comes to eating. He has major texture issues. He'll eat chicken that I've cooked and put in the food processor, but he won't eat a Chick-fil-a nugget. Come on- what kid doesn't like Chick-fil-a? We went to a Tex-Mex place for lunch today with some friends and ordered Keaton a cheese quesadilla. Sounds safe, right? He likes cheese. Wouldn't touch it. He had to be starving. It was 1:00, and he hadn't eaten since breakfast. Wouldn't touch it. I decided not to offer him something else- just let him sit there with the quesadilla. Still wouldn't touch it.
So I'm asking my wise mom friends for some advice. How do you keep from creating a picky eater? Help!