Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Les Petits Parlent Francais

So last Monday I started up a new French class that I'm teaching- for 1 and 2 year olds. I started it because I believe so strongly in teaching a foreign language to a child as young as possible. Nonetheless, I was a bit nervous- though excited- about it at first. I mean, I have a 1 year old myself, and I play/sing/speak with him in French, but several toddlers at once? I've never really tried to teach a group of toddlers anything, much less teach them a foreign language.
It turned out to be so much fun. Keaton, who is the youngest of the 3 students, sorta did his own thing most of the time, placating me once in a while by letting me help him do the motions to a song or two. My other two students, though, were parlez-ing French by the end of the hour. What a cool thing to hear an almost 2 year old playing and singing in French! Her mom said she was even speaking French words here and there throughout the day without being prompted by anyone. I wish I had a brain as sponge-y as theirs are.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, me too! I've been slowly learning to speak a few russian words using a podcast called a Spoonful of Russian. That stuff is hard. It's like they've never heard of vowels!